

时间:2019-04-28 来源: 本站


From Feb. 16, every Saturday night of 22:30-22:45, three-episode humanity-themed documentary Oriental Splendor - the Rejuvenation of China's Silk Industry, recorded by Zhejiang TV Station International Channel, supported by International Silk Union and Hangzhou Silk Culture and Brand Research Center, was broadcast on  "Hangzhou Fashion" section, HTV-1.



The documentary is one of the most popular TV recordings in the field of silk culture. Welcome to watch it, the first episode that has been broadcast can be played back.


The documentary was carefully produced by a professional team in 9 countries after 180 hours of shooting. It fully reflects the current situation and development trend of whole industry chain of world silk, and profoundly reveals the efforts made by Zhejiang silker to inherit and develop the silk industry. 


In first episode, there are many good shots such as the customs of sericulture in Huzhou rural, the development of the silk industry chain of Cathaya Group in Chun'an and Dehong, the history of sericulture in European, and the status of sericulture in Southeast Asia. 



In second episode, there are many good shots such as Chinese cheongsam culture and Singapore nyonya culture, and Wensli Group's efforts in silk tradition and innovative technologies in brocade weaving and digital double-sided printing.


第三集《锦程之路》反映了达利集团对赶超意大利丝绸印染后整理技术的不懈追求、中国丝绸博物馆对丝绸历史文化传承的突出贡献和国际丝绸联盟在世界丝绸产业“交流合作 携手发展”中的作为。

In third episode, there are many good shots such as High Fashion's unremitting pursuit of catching up with the Italian silk printing and dyeing finishing technology, the outstanding contribution of the China National Silk Museum to the inheritance of silk history and culture, and the achievements of "communication and cooperation, development with concerted efforts" of International Silk Union in the world's silk industry.
